I took some time to think about your comments. Though your hostility suggests that my time might be better used elsewhere, I'll give it a go.
1) the knowledge the writer presents is common knowledge to many, if not most, aware people, so she need not supply "evidence." The responses to her piece are, by the way, evidence.
2) her intent is clearly not to say white people are born racist, but are exposed to racist thinking and systems from the beginning
3) I've written, but not yet published, a piece showing that the existence of one black person (or other minority) who sides with you about racism is not necessarily dispositive. Here's the link if you're interested: https://medium.com/@gykendall1/dealing-with-racism-in-a-post-racial-re-racial-world-3-721d41b5b589
4) As for demanding that we supply you the names of studies, what you actually seem to be saying is "I don't believe you and don't want to know the truth, so I can't be bothered to educate myself on the topic of which I am ignorant. Therefore, I require you to do my homework. "
5) However, as a teacher born and bred, I will give you one source: Derald Wing Sue, MIcroaggressions in Everyday Life.
Normally, I just block hostile responses. But you asked. So, if you read my piece and if you read Sue's book, then get back to me. That will prove you're not just kneejerking to the accusation of racism and that you're open to truths of which you seem currently unaware. Best regards.