I experienced this in academia. Women's ideas were often stolen by men. It went like this:
1) A female professor (FP) states a good problem-solving idea. The mostly male group keeps talking as if she hasn't spoken.
2) A few minutes later a male professor (MP) restates the same idea. The group stops to praise the idea as the best thing since sliced bread.
3) I step in with "Wasn't that what Dr. FP suggested a few minutes ago?" If he's fundamentally decent, Dr. MP admits that it was. If he's only partially decent, he lies, saying he improved or tweaked it, but any blowback comes to me, not her, and she gets credit.
Also, I would indeed volunteer to chair committees, but only because many of the professors (both male and female) were woefully bad leaders whose only consistent skill was as time-wasters. However, one year I leveraged my service into my annual report and got a university-wide service award that included a financial prize. I used it for a "teaching enhancement" trip to Bali.
Sometimes I volunteered to be secretary because being busy taking notes is a great way to avoid internecine battles within and between departments. The secretary can also slip in important points by asking participants to repeat what they said for the minutes (wink).